About Us
Welcome to the City of Milaca!
Milaca is located at the intersection of U.S. Hwy. 169 and Minnesota Highway 23 along the beautiful Rum River. Milaca has a vibrant business district and a thriving industrial park. The city is ready to work with new businesses and residents to make Milaca their home.
The city government is organized with a five member city council which includes four council members and the mayor. The daily operation of the city is accomplished under the direction of the city manager. Regular council meetings are held the third Thursday of each month. Special meetings are called in accordance with applicable laws regarding public notice of the area residence which is primarily accomplished through the local newspaper and other internal advertising procedures.
Milaca is located in Mille Lacs County in East Central Minnesota approximately 60 miles from Minneapolis. Milaca residents vote in the U.S. Congressional District 8, Senate District 10, and Legislative District 10B.

Main Street